Hello Lawrence,

This is a good question. I actually filter the headers, anything to do
with debian-user is put into a special folder. I am using kde and the
latest email client (kmail) has a really nice search feature I'm really

I was a new user, now I'm only a new user. I feel that way all the time
even though I have been using only debian for way over a year now. This
list has shown me some great things about linux I don't think I would 
have ever found any any manual, book or hints & tips manual.

It really is up to you in the end. You might find it too much to deal
with and remove yourself from the list. I really enjoy it though. I have
seen some amazing people talking about amazing things and some day, when I
grow up perhaps will find myself actually knowing what the blazes is going 
on! <grin>

I really count on this list for technical help when I'm in a pinch > Like 
when I discovered how powerful 'rm *' was... <argh, bad night>

Some days, I just delete it all, while other days I find all sorts of great
tricks and information.

You're right about Eudora. I had several large folders and lost mail a
few times, but the latest copies should work well for you - look in your
help for "filters".

Good luck, and I do hope you find this list helpful and amusing.


On Tuesday 28 November 2000 21:34, Lawrence H. Robins wrote:
> I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
> to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (>250/day)?
> Suppose you only want to see messages with certain keywords in the
> subject line, or only replies to your questions, and filter out all
> the others?  Also, is there any way to filter the messages **before**
> downloading them from your ISP to your local machine, which takes
> time in itself?  (Note: I am just getting started with Debian, and
> am not yet familiar with most of the packages.  This message is being
> written from an e-mail client program (Eudora) in another OS.  Eudora
> doesn't seem designed to handle huge mailing lists - I hope there is
> something better in Debian.)
> Lawrence H. Robins


Jaye Inabnit, ARS ke6sls     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m                     707-441-7096 p
http://www.qsl.net/ke6sls            ICQ# 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

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