I was upgrading various packages and upped samba from 2.0.5 to 2.0.7 
while maintaining the original smb.conf.  Although the upgrade went off 
without a hitch, I was never able to reconnect my Win9x machines back to 
the server.  When I got rid of 2.0.7 and replaced it back with 2.0.5, 
everything returned back to normal.

I thought I saw some sort of posting here or elsewhere that mentioned 
that 2.0.7 works with kernels 2.2.x but not 2.0.x (mine) ?  Does this 
sound about right, or is there something wrong with my smb.conf?  Also, 
is there any particular compelling reason to upgrade to 2.0.7 as 2.0.5 
seems to work pretty well for us?



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