> After setting up  lilo on my MBR to allow me to dual-boot Debian and my 
> game-OS, everything worked well.  I had to use the lba32 option in lilo.conf 
> to get this to work, so initially I was booting lilo from a floppy.
> Well everything is fine for a while, then one day, I reboot and get:
> LI-
> And the computer just locks.  I'm 99.9% sure that I didn't re-run lilo, so 
> this must be some problem either with hardware, or some virus, or a bug in 
> lilo.  Anybody got a good starting point for investigation?  I can still use 
> the boot-disk for now, but we all know how reliable diskettes are... <insert 
> ominous music>

Yes, thats messed MBR, look in lilo manuals in error section to know what
error means when lilo writes only <n> letters.

> -- 
> Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
> will hear the voice of Satan?
> That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Here might be some hint. This error is very normal when you install
ANY Windows (98,2k,NT,ME). They don't make the MBR right for their use, 
but they at least mess LILO :)  The worst possible behaviour as used
from this company.



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