Ah! What you have there is a gotcha in the current Debian kernel-building
documentation.  Most dists put a .config in the linux directory that reflects
the options used to build the distributed kernel.  Debian doesn't.  However,
you can get it from /boot/config-2.2.17 (if you are running Potato).  Copy
that file to /usr/src/linux/.config before running make menuconfig or make

In your situation, I think the make-kpkg routine puts the new config in the
/boot dir.  The old one will be available as /boot/config-2.2.17.bak.


On Fri, 8 Dec 2000, Denzil Kelly wrote:

> After installing a cdrw drive. I recompiled my kernel
> for scsi emulation. The result was my smc 1211 network
> card isn't recognized, and I can't get the module to
> install with insmod.
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