> Ah! What you have there is a gotcha in the current
> Debian kernel-building
> documentation.  Most dists put a .config in the
> linux directory that reflects
> the options used to build the distributed kernel. 
> Debian doesn't.  However,
> you can get it from /boot/config-2.2.17 (if you are
> running Potato).  Copy
> that file to /usr/src/linux/.config before running
> make menuconfig or make
> xconfig.

Thanx, this worked. My NIC was recognized and
everything works fine.  However I did have another
question. When I was compiling the kernel, I proceeded
as follows:
make xconfig
make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install

make bzImage quit several times before completing. It
would quit in various places, and report an
error(signal 4 or siganal 11 if I remember correctly).
The exact same thing happened with make modules. I was
wondering if you might be able to shed any light on
this. Also is the above procedure the best way to
compile a kernel in debian? I noticed that you made
reference to make-kpkg which wasn't familiar with.

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