in ~/doc/cdrecord (partly):

Cdrecord currently only supports Track at once. This gives 2 seconds
pause between two audio tracks.

The 2 seconds pause between two audio tracks is the CD ***standard***

The standard says:
        Each track starts with 2 seconds of silence
        followed by at least 4 seconds of audio data.

For that reason the 2 second pause is generated by the CD-R drive in 
Track at once (TAO) mode.

I will try cdrdao.

Le Tuesday 12 December 2000 13:59, David Bellows a écrit:
> Peter Wollny wrote:
> > I had a look on the docs for cdrecord  and found out that it is not
> > possible to burn in DAO, only TAO. How can I avoid the two seconds of
> > silence between the tracks?
> Hello,
> Are you sure about that?  I could have sworn cdrecord has an option for
> DAO.  In any case I personally don't use cdrecord.  You should check out
> cdrdao, it does an excellent job of DAO (as its name implies).  The
> command line options are not all that difficult to use.
> David Bellows


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