Before recompiling it would be nice to try:

# modprobe ide-scsi
# modprobe sg

cdrecord might automatically load the "sg" module. As a cd-rom, the cd-writer 
can be mounted as /dev/scd0 (or the infamous /dev/sr0). You might also need 
to add the following to your /etc/lilo.conf (not sure; I use grub):

append=" hdc=ide-scsi" 

where /dev/hdc is your cd-writer (YMMV). ZIP / LS120 driver owners might need 
a few more tricks to achieve IDE / SCSI harmony. Nothing which the unloading 
/ loading of modules won't fix.

On Friday 22 December 2000 15:10, Sebastiaan wrote:
> High,
> I belive that that module is compiled in into the standard kernel. If not,
> or if you need it as module anyhow, you must enable
> scsi-support -> scsi-cdrom-support
> If you start with a clean .config file and after that make dep; make
> modules you will find sr_mod.o in /usr/src/linux/modules
> Copy this file to /lib/modules/2.2.17(or whatever)/scsi
> If it works then, I do not know.
> Greetz,
> Sebastiaan
> On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I don't have any SCSI devices, I just need it for to
> > use cdrecord with an ATAPI IDE.
> >
> > I guess I am going to have to recompile my kernel,
> > but first I have to FIND the darn thing.
> >
> > sr_mod, I feel confident, will be the only remaining
> > module I need to install.
> >
> > I've looked through the modules HOWTO and many
> > other places and I still can't find where they are supposed
> > to be.
> >
> > Thank you very much.
> >
> >        Joshua Si Narins

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