I haven't been able to find an "install-help" list.  If I've sent this
to the wrong list, I'll be happy to resend to a different one.

I have a well-aged Dell Dimension with, among other things, a Promise
UDMA-66 card and an old CDROM drive.

I was given 3 CD's of the potato release, and I intended to install
this alongside W98  (this disk is already partitioned).
By moving the UDMA-66 drive to the onboard EIDE controler, I was able
to install from CD's (though it took several hours, either because the
CDROM drive gave Read errors, or becasue the CD's were bad...I suspect
both.), use APT to change the kernel to one friendlier to my Promise
controller, adjust LILO and /etc/vfstab, and get things
to---sort-of---work.  There were all sorts of s/w missing, that I'd
have expected.  I tried adding packages from Corel Linux, to fix this,
which was a mistake.  So, now I'm starting over.

Here are my questions (in decreasing order of importance to me)

1) Have other folks had trouble installing from potato CD's, or is it
likely mine are bad.

2) Is it possible to install directly to the UDMA drive, on the
promise.  (Stated differently:  can I make an "install" diskette using
the kernel with IDE patches?)

3) Should there have been a file manager/explorer included, when I
installed?  (There wasn't...if none come standard, are there
recommendations?  Eazel/Nautilus?  Konqueror?  Others?

4) Should there have been a GUI package manager?  (or is apt-get/dpkg
the only way to go?)

5) Is there a printer adder/control panel (a la Corel Linux's)?  If
it's not standard, is there one other folks can recommend?

6) How can I get my Logitech USB mouse to work with this system?
(It's less important, since I still have a psaux mouse from MS)

Thanks for any help folks can offer,
David B. Small

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