I'll try to help where I can :)

To quote "David B. Small" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# 1) Have other folks had trouble installing from potato CD's, or is it
# likely mine are bad.

I can't say for sure - I only used one CD, but it went flawlessly(after
I figured out how to get through the install process ;).

# 3) Should there have been a file manager/explorer included, when I
# installed?  (There wasn't...if none come standard, are there
# recommendations?  Eazel/Nautilus?  Konqueror?  Others?

Come to think of it, I don't think there is. However, I do have some
a) 'mc': Console app, very popular.
b) 'gmc': GNOME version of 'mc', also fairly popular. Ageing technology,
will be replaced by Nautilus as soon as is feasible.
c) 'konqueror': KDE file manager, does HTML fairly well(I use it as my
daily browser). Fairly stable, but not terribly feature-full as a file
manager. Think Windows Explorer.
d) 'dfm': Old, but still useful. Light on resources, uses X. I use it
for desktop icons(when I need them).
e) 'nautilus': Unstable and slow, but very very pretty. Will use Mozilla
for HTML, with appropriate decrease in stability and decrease in speed.
f) 'filerunner': 'mc'-like, uses X and Tcl/Tk(or just Tk, dunno for
sure). I used this for a fair while. Powerful and easy to use.
g) 'emelfm': Like 'filerunner', but more up-to-date, and uses GTK+ as
its widget set. When don't use command-line tools, this is what I use.

# 4) Should there have been a GUI package manager?  (or is apt-get/dpkg
# the only way to go?)

More options:
a) 'dselect': Old and difficult to use for most.
b) 'console-apt': Also known as 'capt', relatively easy-to-use. I use
this for the most part. Console based.
c) 'gnome-apt': GNOME frontend to 'apt'. Not entirely bug-free, but
useful nevertheless.
d) 'stormpkg': GTK+/GNOME-based package manager. I find it very useful.
Similar interface to console-apt. When I'm going to be working on
package management for more than three minutes, this is what I use.

# 6) How can I get my Logitech USB mouse to work with this system?
# (It's less important, since I still have a psaux mouse from MS)

I don't know for sure, but kernel 2.2.18 *does* have support for USB.
Never had to use it myself, though. I imagine the hardest part would be
to get X to use the right device/protocol.

Hope I helped,


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