On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 12:51:32PM -0500, cdryburgh asked about window
managers. Here's my suggestion:

No question in my mind: uwm. It has the best interface I've ever used.
You can perform any operation on any window by clicking on it
_anywhere_. You can also use keystrokes to do pretty much anything. You
can also turn off or on pretty much any feature of uwm. (For example,
if you don't like the way window titles are displayed, you can change
it, or turn them off altogether, which is what I do.)

On other distributions, uwm is a little too stripped-down (you'd have
to configure the menu from scratch), but on Debian, a right click gives
you the standard Debian application menu. Debian and uwm make a great
combination. I use it on machines with very little memory, but also on
machines with lots of memory, because it does everything I want to do,
as efficiently as I could want to to it.
> 1. Have limited memory resources so must not use much.

uwm uses no special libraries, only standard Xlibs. Runs faster than
any window manager I've used.

> 2. Have small monitor 14". Must allow for maximum screen viewing.

Has multiple desktops, which are configurable. Some are already
defined, but you can edit the configuration files to set up the
desktops to your own taste.

> 3. I am a programmer so will probably be doing GUI's and CORBA related
> stuff at some point.

I don't know anything about what that would require. Sorry.

I've tried a lot of window managers, but uwm is the one I keep coming
back to, and most recently I've stuck with it for several months
straight, which is something of a record.

Lance Simmons

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