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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> I've compiled 2.4.0 on my potato firewall, and it seems to be booting
> nicely.  However, there seems to be some issues with the location of the
> kernel modules.  I'm sure that there are other issues like the support for
> netfilter and the reconfiguration of the ipmasq package for that.

The modutils and iptables packages in unstable compile nicely on Debian
potato.  I have a slightly old modutils compiled from unstable sources at
http://tux.creighton.edu/~pbrutsch/modutils_2.3.22-1_i386.deb.  There is
also a iptables .deb for potato at

The ipmasq package is obsolete for kernel 2.4.0 - the iptables command
takes the place of the kernel 2.2 ipchains and ipmasqadm commands.

> Is there anybody that has taken the task of figuring out everything that
> needs to be done in order to support kernel 2.4.0 on potato?

Right off the top of my head:

 * modutils
 * compile and install iptables if you're going to do firewalling
 * compile and install devfsd from unstable if you're going to use devfs
 * ppp will probably need to be upgraded - definitely upgrade if you plan
   on using the new multilink mechanism
 * There's a shmfs filesystem that needs to be mounted someplace for shm
   segments to work.  Put

shm     /var/shm        shm     defaults        0       0

   in /etc/fstab and reboot.  Be sure that /var/shm exists, obviously.
   The /var/shm is arbitrary, btw - a lot of people like to put this
   filesystem under /dev/shm.
 * some drivers were rewritten (and renamed) for 2.4.x (eg the rtl8139
   driver is now 8139too) so be sure to double check it all before you
   reboot that server that's 3000 miles away in a co-location facility :)
 * if you use the kernel-level NFS server you may need to upgrade the
   nfs-utils package, but I've never needed to.

I'm positive I'm missing something, though :)

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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