On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> On Wed 10 Jan 01, 11:30 AM, Peter Gruber said...
> > 
> > The problem is: If I start test3dfx in a xterm from X ist works.
> great
> > If I start it from the console it doesn't.
> it's not supposed to work from a console
> > If I start quake from X it works it just ignores keypresses unless I
> > switch to console 4 (eithet chvt 4 or strg-alt-4) and if I do so the
> > colors get bad and after quitting the display is unusable!
> which quake are you talking about?  there's lots of different versions.

It the one which is called quake-3dfx in debian!
And in its documentation it say it may not work if started from X
only if started which openvt -- ...
(If I do so there no diffenrenz)


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