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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> Dear all!
> I have recently managed to set up Postfix, and get it to feed to the
> Cyrus IMAP server. At the moment I'm using TkRat, but am finding it a
> little restrictive.


> Could anyone reccomment a good MUA with good support for IMAP and
> filtering of incomming mail.

Netscape can.  Whether or not it's a good MUA is highly subjective :)
Pine can.  Whether or not it's a good MUA is also highly subjective :)
Dunno about anything else.

> I'm assuming one can't use procmail to filter mail as it won't work in
> a IMAPd (I think!), so which MUAs are there out there that both
> support IMAP and filtering?

Actually you can use procmail (or whatever) to filter IMAP.  I use exim's
native filtering capabilities to sort my mail into various maildirs before
I use courier-imap to read my email with pine.

It's just a question of whether or not Cyrus IMAP has a mechanism to
filter email into various folders.

> I am interested in functionality rather than a pretty GUI, and am more
> than happy with a console app if it does everything I need it to.

pine (no flames, please :)

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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