To quote Viktor Rosenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# 98 packages upgraded, 11 newly installed, 2 to remove and 2 not
# upgraded.
# Need to get 51.6MB of archives. After unpacking 34.8MB will be used.
# Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n
# Abort.                                                                
# My questions are:
# 1) There are only 11 new packages in woody?  After almost one year of
# the potato feature freeze?  Granted, I do not have much software
# installed, but I would figure that there would be more to upgrade.

Look more closely ;) "98 packages upgraded". :) 11 will be newly
installed, but there are 98 upgrades. Seems reasonable if you don't have
a whole lot installed. 'apt-get -u dist-upgrade' will show you all the
packages that will be upgraded, too.

# 3) What's meant by kept back packages?

If there is a bit of a dependancy problem, like a new package requiring
the removal of an old package(or something like that, not sure), the new
package will be "kept back". Use 'apt-get -f -u dist-upgrade', "-f"
means "fix dependancies".

# 4) How can I get a list of all packages installed (including version
# information)?

You can use either 'dpkg -l' or 'dpkg-awk' for more verbose output. 'man
dpkg' for useful information.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
    Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

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