"David B. Harris" wrote:

> Look more closely ;) "98 packages upgraded". :) 11 will be newly
> installed, but there are 98 upgrades. Seems reasonable if you don't have
> a whole lot installed. 'apt-get -u dist-upgrade' will show you all the
> packages that will be upgraded, too.

Ahh, thank you.  That explains a lot.

> # 4) How can I get a list of all packages installed (including version
> # information)?
> You can use either 'dpkg -l' or 'dpkg-awk' for more verbose output. 'man
> dpkg' for useful information.

I know, I should have looked at the man page a bit further.  Thanks for
your quick help, I am going to give testing a try.

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
WWW: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/
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