-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:46 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Why choose Debian?

When I first started with Linux it was with Slackware with kernel 2.0 which
I got of a CD accompanying the magazine(PCQuest in India). I was mainly
dependent on the CD's which I got of the magazine since it was not possible
to download distros of the web through my 28.8 kbps net connection. 
Then the same magazine  started giving Redhat Linux. So I followed redhat
right from 5 till 6.2. I learnt most of the fundamentals about GNU/Linux on
During this period I heard about Debian and I set on a CD hunt. Finaly I got
it of a friend in my institute who had downloaded it and burned it on a CD.
I actually got only the first CD but that was enough to get me going. I
replaced Redhat and installed it and have not regretted it ever since. 
The package management system dpkg/apt is simply the best I have ever used
and maintaining the system once it is installed is the easiest among all the
other systems. The one problem I faced at the beginning was that the
packages were not up to date. But that went away when I started following
unstable (I like to stay on the bleeding edge). 
One thing I should say about GNU/Linux in general is that it is really user
friendly. No I am not talking about user friendliness defined as working on
pointy clicky things but in the sense that I get to know what I need to know
and nothing is hidden from me and Debian is the distro which embraces this
idea to the fullest.
Those are some of the reasons why I chose debian.

Vijay Prabakaran.

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