>>>>> "Brendan" == Brendan Cully <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Brendan> To browse, I think you should just be able to type c<tab>
    Brendan> - except if you've got a mailbox with new mail filled in
    Brendan> you'll end up tab-completing instead. To tab-complete you
    Brendan> need to at least have the server part typed - mutt can't
    Brendan> tab-complete hostnames. Usually this is simple since
    Brendan> you've defined $folder to contain the hostname, so you
    Brendan> can just tab-complete using the '=' prefix (ie c=<tab>)

Ok, got it going again, Thanks.

It looks like the syntax for using SSL has changed though, so I will
have to lookup that again (maybe that was my problem before...).

    Brendan> er, dunno - I'm not running courier ATM. mutt has SASL
    Brendan> support, but apparently there's something wrong in the
    Brendan> current version, either in mutt or the SASL
    Brendan> package. Unfortunately I'm having problems with my
    Brendan> debugger using a locally-built mutt against the debian
    Brendan> SASL library:

    Brendan> (gdb) b imap_auth_sasl Breakpoint 1 at 0x80a0b3c: file
    Brendan> /usr/devel/cvs/guug/mutt/imap/auth_sasl.c, line 36.
    Brendan> (gdb) r Starting program: /home/brendan/build/mutt/./mutt
    Brendan> Cannot access memory at address 0x40017de8 (gdb)

    Brendan> which is what I'm working on now...

In which case, I would start of with the "bt" (stack trace) command
(which you may/may not already have done anyway).

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