On Wednesday, 24 January 2001 at 11:09, Brian May wrote:
> >>>>> "Brendan" == Brendan Cully <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Brendan> I'd recommend in 1.3 you switch to IMAP urls, in which
>     Brendan> case the syntax is imaps://host/ rather than
>     Brendan> imap://host/. But the old {host/ssl} should continue to
>     Brendan> work - it's a bug if it doesn't.
> {host/ssl} simply beeps.
> neither
> imap://host/
> or 
> imaps://host/
> work ("is not a mailbox"). Weird.
> {host}INBOX works fine.

you must be running an old version. Check mutt -v.
You get the version number at the top, and below you should see
{+-}USE_SSL {+-}USE_SASL on the IMAP line...

the URL stuff and SASL are only in the 1.3 tree.

>     Brendan> OTOH maybe it's because I'm using libc6-i686 - I'll try
>     Brendan> uninstalling that and see if it helps...
> Yes. I would try that. My quick'n'dirty guess is that the problem
> occurs inside 
> 0x401788e4 in encode_table () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
> and that the program probably crashes when it tries to return to the
> calling program because the return address on the stack is corrupted.

yeah, probably. anyway removing libc6-i686 helps...

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