Hi -

Sorry for this intrusion into your inbox for what I know will be a simple
RTFM question, but the trouble is that I've RTFM lots to get this far (and
things *were* working), and it's all gone pear-shaped simply (as far as *I*
can see) because I moved my boxen up a flight of stairs!

I can post a bunch of /etc files if needs be, but the simple problem is that
I can't telnet to, ftp or even ping my local machines, on eth0.

The most telling symptom (I hope) is that when host A pings host B, the hub
only registers activity on host A's port, but when B pings A, both ports are
active, yet both pings record 100% packet loss.

Does this ring any bells with anybody?

For the record, /etc/hosts.deny is disabled on both boxen, and they're both
running Debian 2.2 (r0 on one, r2 on the other).
Telnet, ftp (and any other service that is running on either box) ireturns a
"no route to host", and unless I'm blind, /etc/network/interfaces and
/etc/hosts tally on both machines.
This was all working before the weekend, and although I'm sure I didn't do
much to them over the duration, I was muckoing around with some scancodes to
get my "Internet Ready" Compaq keyboard working. I've backed those changes
out, but this hasn't improved things at all.

I'd really, really (really) appreciate some help on this! As I said before,
just shout out a /etc file you'd like to see, and it'll be in the post the
next day.



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