Hi all.....
I trying to do a backup of my system and I think I might have the
backup part right....correct me if I'm wrong....
I could use this command....

tar -cvzf hda2.tar.gz /
( I don't need to add this ... --exclude hda2.tar.gz do I ??)

anyway... the part where I'm stuck... 
I have no idea how to restore this tarred file on to a totally new
my guess.....
add the other drive.... partition similar to hda  (swap and such)
mount the partition.... say......mount /dev/hdc2 /mnt

then untar the file      hda2.tar.gz into /mnt......
now I should have 2 file systems ... one at     "/"
and the other at       "/mnt"
so what do I do now?
Just put the hdc drive in place of the hda drive... redo lilo and presto?

Your help is very much appreciated...!!!!!  


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