"Mike Egglestone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all.....
> I trying to do a backup of my system and I think I might have the
> backup part right....correct me if I'm wrong....
> I could use this command....
> tar -cvzf hda2.tar.gz /
> ( I don't need to add this ... --exclude hda2.tar.gz do I ??) 

Yeah you probably  do. You might want to exclude  other stuff to, like
/proc, /mnt, /tmp, and possibly /dev.  Normally device files are created with

I back up my machine to 4 100MB ZIP disks, using tar via a script that
sets up  all the options, prompts for  the disks, etc. I  can mail you
the  script  if you  want.  I don't  back  up  everything either.  For
example,  the   only  thing  under   /usr  that  gets  backed   up  is
/usr/local. The  theory being  that I can  re-create the  debian stuff
with   the  appropriate   apt-get   commands,  given   the  stuff   in
/var/cache/apt and so  on. I've never had to  restore the whole system
though, so there might be some bugs to iron out ;)

> anyway... the part where I'm stuck... 
> I have no idea how to restore this tarred file on to a totally new
> drive....
> my guess.....
> add the other drive.... partition similar to hda  (swap and such)
> mount the partition.... say......mount /dev/hdc2 /mnt
> then untar the file      hda2.tar.gz into /mnt......
> now I should have 2 file systems ... one at     "/"
> and the other at       "/mnt"
> so what do I do now?
> Just put  the hdc drive in  place of the hda drive...  redo lilo and
> presto? 

I'd probably first leave the two drives where they are, reboot to the LILO
prompt, pass a kernel parameter  like "root=/dev/hdc2", and see if the
new filesystem does the right  thing (ie boots). I've never replaced a
drive, but you might run into problems  e.g. if the new drive is a lot
bigger and  LILO gets confused, in  which case you might  have to read
the LILO docs and/or upgrade your LILO. 


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