To quote Glenn Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# All,
# I have been trying to secure my Debian box, which enjoys a DSL
# connection. I've been going through /etc/inetd.conf, commenting out
# services, and K'ing others in the /etc/rc2.d/, until what I have left
# the following (output from nmap):
# Interesting ports on localhost (
# Port    State       Protocol  Service
# 22      open        tcp        ssh             
# 25      open        tcp        smtp            
# 53      open        tcp        domain          
# 111     open        tcp        sunrpc          
# So, the questions: I have read some about sunrpc in the list archives
# have not found how to close the port; don't know what domain is, and
# confused smtp is still there since I've commented out the line in
# inetd.conf ... I have set my hosts.deny to 
# ... I guess then port 22 is not a concern?

Personally, I've never put a whole lot of faith into just turning
services off. Now, I could be wrong. What I usually do is use 'ipchains'
to set up a firewall. Not that it helps you here, but it's something to
think about :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
    Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

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