On Sat, Feb 17, 2001 at 11:13:52PM -0500, Glenn Becker wrote:
> Interesting ports on localhost (
> Port    State       Protocol  Service
> 22      open        tcp        ssh             
> 25      open        tcp        smtp            
> 53      open        tcp        domain          
> 111     open        tcp        sunrpc          
> So, the questions: I have read some about sunrpc in the list archives but
> have not found how to close the port; don't know what domain is, and am
> confused smtp is still there since I've commented out the line in
> inetd.conf ... I have set my hosts.deny to 

the best way ive found to disable portmap is to rename /sbin/portmap
to something else. there are so many different things that may call
on it, its just easier for me to rename it then modify a bunch of
scripts. as for smtp it depends what MTA your using, if you dont
plan on having a mail server i would reccomend using postfix as it's
easy to get it to listen on the internal network interfaces and
not the external. domain is the DNS, usually bind. you can remove
it if you want. ssh is fine.

also be sure to run a UDP portscan as well. (nmap -sU) i also
reccomend if your not already to scan all ports with -p 1-65535


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