Mark Mackenzie wrote:
> Hi,
> I plot a graph with gnuplot3.7, and have:
> set terminal postscript eps
> set output "prop.eps"
> giving me an eps that I can view with gv.
> However, importing this into ms word gives:
> Title:
> prop.eps
> Creator:
> gnuplot...
> Preview: EPS not saved with preview...
> Comment:
> This EPS picture will print to a Postscript printer
> ...
> in an outlined box.
> This text is also printed on my PS printer (hjlj2100).

It _will_ print to a postscript printer, but what goes where the ...'s
are?  I think it says something like _will not_ print to a
non-postscript printer.  The HP Laserjet 2100 does not support
postscript.  The 2100M and 2100TN do.

A postscript printer should not require an EPS preview be saved in order
to print.  Just the opposite: a non-postscript printer would require the
preview to print.  The preview is just a raster image.  A non-postscript
printer, by definition, does not know how to rasterize postscript, but
it might be able to print the (already rasterized) preview.

> I never have this problem with lyx, but unfortunately the graph is for
> someone else. The only thing that works is to print to a .png, but this
> makes a pigs breakfast of the beautiful postscript.'

Speaking of pig's breakfast (nice phrase :-), an EPS preview can be
enormous.  Especially if it's high enough resolution that you get a nice
print from it.  I've seen people assemble less than 1MB worth of EPS
files in Pagemaker, and end up with Pagemaker files that were many
hundreds of megabytes, all because they had no idea what was going on
with their EPS previews.

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