On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 10:12:35AM +1100, Mark Mackenzie wrote:
> Hi,
> I plot a graph with gnuplot3.7, and have:
> set terminal postscript eps
> set output "prop.eps"
> giving me an eps that I can view with gv.
> However, importing this into ms word gives:

Word is broken with eps.  If you can find an eps to wmf translator,
that'd be your best bet (I recall someone working on one somewhere...).

Word will only render/print and eps if it has a preview.

> Title:
> prop.eps
> Creator:
> gnuplot...
> Preview: EPS not saved with preview...
> Comment:
> This EPS picture will print to a Postscript printer
> ...
> in an outlined box.
> This text is also printed on my PS printer (hjlj2100). 

Word doesn't care about your PS printer.  Obviously there a bit of
anti-Adobe breakage being done on purpose...
> I have also tried:
> set terminal postscript -> then using ps2epsi
> importing as a unix file (only cr) - I think this is the correct way
> importing as a dos file (cr+lf)

Line feeds shouldn't matter... From PostScript spec...

  End-of-Line Conventions 

  The PostScript language scanner and the readline operator recognize
  all three external forms of end-of-line (EOL) CR alone, LF alone, and
  the CR-LF pair  and treat them uniformly, translating them as
  described below. The PostScript interpreter does not perform any such
  translation when reading data by other means or when writing data by
  any means.

> I never have this problem with lyx, but unfortunately the graph is for
> someone else. The only thing that works is to print to a .png, but this
> makes a pigs breakfast of the beautiful postscript.

Yes, I've been through the same thing... Sucky Word.

Eric G. Miller <egm2@jps.net>

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