also sprach will trillich (on Fri, 02 Mar 2001 12:50:16AM -0600):
> when you enter the linux world, you'll be amazed at the uptime
> (167 days for my server downstairs) and perplexed at how much
> there is that can be done, and how much there is to learn in
> order to do it. you're about to enter a Kahuna Bigtime learning
> experience that makes college finals look like pop quizzes. when
> you begin to 'see the light' you'll wanna back up and start over
> on occasion... i certainly have!


> > > I would like advice about keeping W95.
> > 
> > no! why?
> only for legacy stuff that linux doesn't run. but if there's
> nothing there you need, ditch it. (tho a 40+gb drive will have
> room even for windows 98 plus debian, i'd think.)

this is where vmware comes in. you wouldn't want billy boy to affect
your uptime, would you??? and if you are into linux and still feel the
need to play windoze games, then buy another computer, install linux
on it too, and start playing with pvm! or anything else.


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
"if you stick a stock of liquor in your locker,
 it is slick to stick a lock upon your stock. 
      or some joker who is slicker,
      will trick you of your liquor,
 if you fail to lock your liquor with a lock."

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