also sprach Carel Fellinger (on Fri, 02 Mar 2001 08:30:56PM +0100):
> /var:  copy it to /tmp first? 
>        or add rescue.bin and boot.catalog to /var?

thing is: the boot process needs scratch space. log files, utmp/wtmp,
pid files and all that jazz. these reside in /var, and a bootable
cdrom must initialize a ramdisk which it mounts as /var. this is not
always an easy process.

> /?:    sorry but you lost me here.

the root partition. where will the root partition be? init won't
accept /dev/cdrom because that's a drive, not a partition.

> from boot to prompt?: I must be stupid, but I/ve no idea what you're at.

what happens between loading the boot image off the cdrom until you
logged in with the cdrom? where is stuff read from and where is it
written to?


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
"no, 'eureka' is greek for 'this bath is too hot.'"
                                                            -- dr. who

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