On Fri 02 Mar 01,  2:59 PM, MaD dUCK said: 
> also sprach Carel Fellinger (on Fri, 02 Mar 2001 08:30:56PM +0100):
> > /var:  copy it to /tmp first? 
> >        or add rescue.bin and boot.catalog to /var?
> thing is: the boot process needs scratch space.

true.  it's called initrd.   rd for ramdisk. 

> utmp/wtmp,

what does the kernel have to do with utmp and wtmp?   why would the kernel
care about who is logging into your system?

> pid files

like which ones?   we are talking about the boot process, right?

> "no, 'eureka' is greek for 'this bath is too hot.'"
>                                                             -- dr. who


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