also sprach Peter Jay Salzman (on Fri, 02 Mar 2001 05:15:35PM -0800):
> On Fri 02 Mar 01,  8:06 PM, MaD dUCK said: 
> > are you running mail as root??? don't do that!
> just out of curiosity, why?  i've never heard a compelling reason
> for that

the simplest reason: because you shouldn't ever be logged in as root
for longer than a particular task takes.

the more elaborate stuff (and this is only an extract):

- vi has a feature which can extract commands out of files to execute
  them while the file is being loaded. this is useful, if for instance
  you are a ts=2 person, but that one program's config file isn't
  usable unless ts=8. so vi reads the file, executes the command, then
  displays the file. if this command is something well though of which
  executes something through a shell, and someone sent a mail to root
  containing this command, then it would be executed possibly even
  without root noticing it.

- there were a couple of problems with sendmail relating to malformed
  reply-to addresses which included a pipe symbol. basically the core
  of it was that you'd put a script of the form

    install -o-0 -g=0 /usr/bin/ksh /tmp/blech
    chmod u+s !!:4

    sendmail $*

  into /tmp/[EMAIL PROTECTED] and then send mail to root with a reply-to
  address similar to "laure|".

  if root were to reply, the script would be executed, creating
  /tmp/blech as a setuid shell that would immediately give root

you should just set up a user account ('p' in your case), put


into ~root/.forward

and define a procmail filter to store all your root mail in

> >   echo $MAIL
> /var/spool/mail/p

the problem is this: /var/mail/p contains your mail spool, but mutt
may possibly be moving read mail somewhere else.

if i were you, i'd create a file ~/mail/inbox, define a simple
procmail recipe like:


point your .forward to /usr/bin/procmail, change MAIL to ~/mail/inbox
permanently, and add every single one of the mailboxes you have to
.muttrc as follows:

(e.g. for mailboxes in, work, debian:)

mailboxes +in
mailboxes +work
mailboxes +debian

where '+' will expand to the path you specified with the "set folder"
clause in .muttrc.

keeping all your mail in /var's spool isn't necessarily all too great
i find - issues are locking, privacy, backing up, and others.

> > and in mutt, after you hit c, type '=' (no quotes) and then hit tab
> > once or twice. report what happens.
> this works.  didn't know about this keybinding.  thanks!  :)

'=' expands to the mail folder, just like '+' above. and tab
completion works all the way throughout mutt.

> i'm curious if a bunch of other messages start appearing.  do you have
> woody?   when was the last time you upgraded?

nah. potato. i need a working system, not too much in need of the
cutting edge.


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
"no small art is it to sleep: it is necessary
 for that purpose to keep awake all day."
                                                -- friedrich nietzsche

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