Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> yeah -- i just figured out that folder names are relative to $HOME, not
> $HOME/Mail.

Actually, folder names are relative to your current working directory.  It
just so happens that most people start mutt while they're in $HOME.
> do you happen to know offhand how to change the default directory to look in
> for mail folders?  if you know it offhand, cool.  if not, i can RTFM.

Please get in the habit of RTFMing before asking an easily answered
question in front of thousands of people. :)

Unfortunately you can't make folder names relative to $HOME/Mail with a
setting in .muttrc.  The best you can do is "set folder = ~/Mail", and
then get in the habit of prepending "=" or "+" before each folder name
(those characters are shortcuts for the default mail folder; RTFM :).

Or you could devise an ugly hack to get what you want-- put $HOME/bin
in your path (before /usr/bin), and create a $HOME/bin/mutt with the
following contents:


        cd $HOME/Mail
        exec /usr/bin/mutt

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