Balbir Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
BT> I am running debian on /dev/hda and want to install bsd on
BT> /dev/hdc .  However lilo is unable to boot freebsd on /dev/hdc and
BT> and I get the error 0x01 . The freebsd documentation say that I
BT> must install its boot manager on the first hard disk . I would
BT> like to avoid this . Could you please advice?

I'd recommend using an alternate boot loader called GRUB (GRand
Unified Bootloader, IIRC).  It's not noticably more difficult to
properly configure than LILO, and has some nice features (filesystem
support in the loader, a boot menu, and you don't need to re-install
it just because you upgraded your kernel).  I'm pretty sure it
supports Linux and all of the *BSDs.  It has useful documentation, but 
in Info format; I found it convenient when I first installed it to
make a GRUB floppy and read the documentation online.

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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