lrzsz and minicom may be a bit better.  It's certainly freer...

On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, Chris Gray wrote:

>On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, David Z. Maze wrote:
>> Glenn Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> GB> I just got an HP49G calculator ... purchased the "PC
>> GB> Connectivity Kit" in a fairly clueless moment (clueless = not
>> GB> thinking that the included software might be Windoze-only).
>> GB>
>> GB> Have found *some* Linux - HP calc connection stuff on
>> GB> SourceForge, but was wondering if any Debian-ers are
>> GB> successfully shunting stuff back and forth from Debian to an
>> GB> HP48 or 49. Would be interested in ... how ... :-)
>> Gosh...I haven't done this in years.  The one thing you do need from
>> the HP kit is the strange serial cable that plugs into the
>> calculator.  The HP48, at least, supported both xmodem and Kermit
>> transfers, so I'd try installing the (non-free) ckermit package and
>> trying to use that to move files around.  The last time I tried it
>> was many years ago on a Slackware machine on the other side of the
>> country, so... :-)
>I've been doing this fairly recently (I have some boring classes where
>games come in handy :) ).  Here is my ~/.kermrc (you have to be in
>the group dialout to open /dev/ttyS1)
>set port /dev/ttyS1
>set speed 9600
>set parity none
>set file type binary
>set carrier-watch off
>kermit can be a fairly annoying thing to use, so good luck.


You have paid nothing for the preceding, therefore it's worth every penny
you've paid for it: if you did pay for it, might I remind you of the
immortal words of Phineas Taylor Barnum regarding fools and money?

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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