On Wednesday 21 March 2001 20:32, Abner Gershon wrote:
> I just can't take it anymore! My $2000.00 Dell PC with
> 256 meg RAM running MS Windows ME crashes hourly at
> least. I am ready to take the plunge and give Linux a
> try.

Good for you.

> I am a professional but not in computers. Is it
> possible for a mere mortal to install Debian on his
> desktop PC in dual boot configuration with MS Windows?


>  Robin Rowe called the Debian installation, "sys admin
> hell," in March 2001 Linux Journal.  I bought that
> issue to learn tips about the installation but found
> the article too superficial to be of much help.  

I haven't read that article and I don't know Robin Rowe, but I think he 
must have led a sheltered life.  Debian may not be the easiest distro 
for the rank beginner, but it's not hard if you're willing to do a 
little reading before you start.

> Where
> can I find/buy simple step by step accurate directions
> for installation of Debian Linux on a PC?  Should I
> give Red Hat a try first?

The Debian Documentation Project is a rich source of info not just on 
Debian, but on Linux in general.  Everything you need to know to 
install Debian from scratch and administer it yourself is available for 
free.  The documentation is generally well written and very thorough.


Mark Stone has written an excellent step by step guide to setting up a 
Windows machine to dual boot Debian potato, the current stable release.


The  Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage by John Goerzen 
and Ossama Othman is written as a guide to Debian, but it's a pretty 
good tutorial on Linux in general.


And if you get stuck, the folks on this list are pretty helpful.  They 
won't hold your hand, but they will give you a hand when you need it. 

Bud Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.sirinet.net/~budr
All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

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