I will be very, very greatfull for your help. I'am newbie and I have big
trouble (big for me of course). I would also apologize for my english. I'am
from Poland and english isn't my nativ language. Here is some kind of map.
It should illustrate my problem.

            LAN                                              INTERNET
|   COMP. A    |
| |-----+
+--------------+     |    +----------------+          +----------+
                     |----| DEBIAN MACHINE |----------|xSDL MODEM|--ISP--
+--------------+     |    |  |          +----------+
|   COMP. B    |-----+    +----------------+
| |                |           
+--------------+                |   +------------+
                                +---| WWW SERVER |

My ISP give me xSDL modem (1 Mbit/s to the internet) with ethernet plug on
the end. He give me aslo two public IP and he routes this IP to this modem.
Questione is... How to configure Debian Machine to work with that. I want to
have one IP for Debian Machine and one IP to www server. I also want to have
that computers from my local networks could use internet connection (I think
I must use IP Masqu for that - it is also a problem). 
But the main problem is that I don't know how to
configure DEBIAN MACHINE to route this. For example. If COMP A want to
vistit WWW SERVER (i guest he can uses DNS from ISP) he should go stright to
WWW SERVER (without MODEM). I don't know how sould it work. DEBIAN MACHINE
has tree pci network cards (one for lan, one for modem and the last one for
www server). Second question is what rules for firewall (ipchains I tink)
should I made. 

How I say. I'am newbie so I would be greatfull for complete solution, but
even small help will be nice (I have no idea what should I do).

Big thanks.

I send this message to debian-user and debian-firewall. Sorry for that.

Mateusz Mazur

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