On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 01:19:06PM +0100, Mateusz Mazur wrote:
> Hello.
> I will be very, very greatfull for your help. I'am newbie and I have big
> trouble (big for me of course). I would also apologize for my english. I'am
> from Poland and english isn't my nativ language. Here is some kind of map.
> It should illustrate my problem.
>             LAN                                              INTERNET
> +--------------+
> |   COMP. A    |
> | |-----+
> +--------------+     |    +----------------+          +----------+
>                      |----| DEBIAN MACHINE |----------|xSDL MODEM|--ISP--
> +--------------+     |    |  |          +----------+
> |   COMP. B    |-----+    +----------------+
> | |                |           
> +--------------+                |   +------------+
>                                 +---| WWW SERVER |
>                                   +------------+
> So...
> My ISP give me xSDL modem (1 Mbit/s to the internet) with ethernet plug on
> the end. He give me aslo two public IP and he routes this IP to this modem.
> Questione is... How to configure Debian Machine to work with that. I want to
> have one IP for Debian Machine and one IP to www server. I also want to have
> that computers from my local networks could use internet connection (I think
> I must use IP Masqu for that - it is also a problem). 
> But the main problem is that I don't know how to
> configure DEBIAN MACHINE to route this. For example. If COMP A want to
> vistit WWW SERVER (i guest he can uses DNS from ISP) he should go stright to
> WWW SERVER (without MODEM). I don't know how sould it work. DEBIAN MACHINE
> has tree pci network cards (one for lan, one for modem and the last one for
> www server). Second question is what rules for firewall (ipchains I tink)
> should I made. 
kernel 2.4 could do that with some dnat rule, for 2.2 you'll have to
play with ipmasqadm or friends, with ipportfw/ipautofw/whatever, or
even some userspace program like redir

> Name:           Alson van der Meulen      <
> Personal:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       <
> School:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]    <
Oops! (said in a quiet, almost surprised voice)

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