Mark Hurley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I'd like to buy a linux compatible usb webcam of the kind of Philips. My 
> > question is as simple as that:
> > What are the X (gnone or kde) software in debian potato 2.2r2 CD's or web 
> > sites which I should install to look at the images generated by the webcam 
> > and  to stream them through the internet?
> > Vittorio
> I'm running a Philips webcam (645 I think?).  I use vgrabbj to take
> snapshots:

That link might be outdated. Try instead.
> Jens (author) has put together a .deb package, awaiting approval to be
> included in Debian. ;)

Actually, it was not me but a fellow debian maintainer. And it is in
unstable as of now. Unfortunately, I advise to wait 24h until the
latest bugfix will be available.

Tschoe,                    Get my gpg-public-key here

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