On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 06:37:22PM -0500, Cheng H. Lee wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question about running Mutt and NFS together. My current mail
> setup has procmail delivering mail to ~/mail and mutt reading the mail
> boxes from there. However, when I'm reading mail from my other box (which
> has /home mounted from NFS), mutt always open my mail-boxes read-only.
> I've read the Readme.NFS that came with mutt but would rather not have
> to mount the entire /home tree with the 'nolock' option. 

FWIW I'm using mutt with NFS-mounted /var/mail (with nolock) and I haven't
lost any mail so far.

>Also, the mutt
> FAQ says that I can get around this by configuring mutt using the
> '--with-homespool' option, but I haven't figure out how to do this.

They are referring to compile-time configuration. You'll need to get
mutt source package and build it yourself.

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