On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 12:25:19PM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
> >Hi, I'm using Debian 3.0r1 stable (woody) and am currently using Galon for
> >web-surfing. However, it seems to break on some sites - they seem to be
> >moaning about Frames support mostly.
> >
> >Anyway, which browser should I use under gnome to get the most pages
> >viewed?
> >
> >I'd prefer a .deb package from stable but if not, what do people think of
> >the Opera 7 that recently appeared?
> Mozilla               Seems to be as fully W3C compliant as any I've tried.
> Phoenix               Not fully tested, but seems to be as compliant as Mozilla

Phoenix of course uses Gecko aka the Mozilla HTML Rendering Engine, so
it'd be just as compliant as Moz.  Also, since the builds of phoenix
that people are using these days come from Mozilla's CVS TRUNK, they'd
be even further along than the last stable release of Moz.

> Opera                 Usually considered to be among the best.  I've noticed poor 
>                                       handling of CSS1 and CSS2

Another point which may or may not bother people is that Opera is
non-Free and the free-as-in-beer version has built in banner ads.

> Dillo                 Quick, but lacks a lot of stuff.  Not W3C compliant.
> Netscape              v=>6.0 Highly compliant.  Some find it flakey.  Not fully
>                                       exercised here.

If you're going to use netscape >= 6.0, just use mozilla.  It's Free and
free, and doesn't contain all the shopping crap that netscape does.  It
also has the popup blocking feature accessible from the UI.

Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             http://ertius.org/

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