On Sun, 15 Apr 2001, Ethan Benson wrote:

> dpkg -l | grep ximian
> <purge everything listed -- apt-get --purge remove blah blah blah>
> dpkg -l | grep helix
> <purge everything listed -- apt-get --purge remove blah blah blah>

Minor point: you might want to make that "grep ximi" instead of
"grep ximian", given that helix/ximian version numbers tend to be quite
long, and "dpkg -l" offers no way to specify a field width.

I (mostly) eliminated Ximian today, and, yes, there is a package or two
that you'll miss with the complete "ximian".

Sorry to hear that Simon's upgrade messed up.  I actually did an
"apt-get dist-upgrade" today, and it was very helpful in purging
Ximian.  It seems that a bunch of new 1.4 core packages made it into
testing today, which upgraded from Ximian reasonably cleanly (it just took
a couple of go-arounds with -f to make it work).  Then, it was just a
matter of manually replacing the rest of the Ximian packages.  In most
cases, "apt-get --purge remove" followed by "apt-get install" did the
trick, but, if dependencies got in the way, I downloaded the deb's and
"dpkg -i"'ed them (this would have definately been simplified by a
 --force-downgrade in apt-get...).

Most of those went to equal versions, but a few (mostly the games) seemed
to be downgrades.  Oh well.  I can't personally see much difference
between gnome-xbill 1.2 and 1.0 <g>.

As was pointed out in a previous thread, there are some useful gnome and
gnome-related packages that have not yet made it into testing.  For those
packages, I kept the Ximian versions.  Those packages include:


I also kept the necessary Ximian dependancies for those packages:


I suppose that it would have been possible to eliminate these 11 packages,
and replace them with versions from unstable, but then you start getting
into bonobo dependancies...eek!  I'm trying to keep my box a fairly clean
testing installation, though I have installed a few packages from
unstable.  It's so hard to resist when it works so easily, but I decided
to stay with the devil I know, in this case.  So, those Ximian packages
stay on, I've got local copies of them, and I no longer have
spidermonkey.ximian.com in my sources.list.

Oh, I also kept a few of the pretty theme packages that Ximian is so keen
on (HeliX is still, by far, my favourite Sawfish theme <g>):


Anyways, it all seems to be working together quite nicely.  Hope this
helps out any other would-be Ximian-purgers out there.

David Steinberg                             -o)
Computer Engineering Undergrad, UBC         / \
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                _\_v

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