On Sun, Apr 15, 2001 at 05:20:16PM -0700, David Steinberg wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Apr 2001, Ethan Benson wrote:
> > dpkg -l | grep ximian
> > <purge everything listed -- apt-get --purge remove blah blah blah>
> > dpkg -l | grep helix
> > <purge everything listed -- apt-get --purge remove blah blah blah>
> Minor point: you might want to make that "grep ximi" instead of
> "grep ximian", given that helix/ximian version numbers tend to be quite
> long, and "dpkg -l" offers no way to specify a field width.

this may only affect the woody dpkg but setting COLLUMS (that looks
spelled wrong) will adjust this.  

removing the helix sources, running update then using dselect to purge
all the `obsolete/local' packages really is probably the best way.  

> "dpkg -i"'ed them (this would have definately been simplified by a
>  --force-downgrade in apt-get...).

i think apt has a --force-downgrade.  

> As was pointed out in a previous thread, there are some useful gnome and
> gnome-related packages that have not yet made it into testing.  For those
> packages, I kept the Ximian versions.  Those packages include:

ximian packages are not binary compatible with debian's so that is not
a good idea.  better option is to install the missing packages from
debian unstable.  use of apt's pinning feature can aid this.  

Ethan Benson

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