On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Erik Steffl wrote:

> > It could be because a lot of women are brushed off, or feel that they are.
> > I must confess that sometimes it seems like men have invisible rays with
> > which they communicate, because women aren't a part of that hive mind, not
>   how the hell did you find out? it was supposed to be
> never-to-be-revealed secret.

Like I said, I'm a female engineer. This means I have Awesome Secret Geek
Tools at my disposal.

> > even women engineers with 25 years experience.
>       erik (notice no smiley)

No smiley here either.... I think those invisible rays are a part of why I
never quite felt like I fit in on my last job -- and perhaps a factor in
being laid off. At least, that's what I fear.

(Oh yeah, Linux geek-for-hire here...)

_Deirdre   NEW Stash-o-Matic: http://fuzzyorange.com  http://deirdre.net
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
                                                         - Douglas Adams

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