On (18/04/01 11:58), Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Erik Steffl wrote:

>>> It could be because a lot of women are brushed off, or feel that
>>> they are.  I must confess that sometimes it seems like men have
>>> invisible rays with which they communicate, because women aren't a
>>> part of that hive mind, not

Personally, I think that men don't actually communicate. They don't
like it. Instead, they confine their thought processes to a small set
of predictable ones, so that all they ever need to say is "Hey, did
you see that game?" and "I'm off now, you going to the pub after

Stereotypes-R-Us also cater for children's parties.

>>   how the hell did you find out? it was supposed to be
>> never-to-be-revealed secret.

> Like I said, I'm a female engineer. This means I have Awesome Secret
> Geek Tools at my disposal.

> No smiley here either.... I think those invisible rays are a part of
> why I never quite felt like I fit in on my last job -- and perhaps a
> factor in being laid off. At least, that's what I fear.

You and every female geek who has ever been laid off, I suspect. I
have no idea how many female geeks are correct about it though.

> (Oh yeah, Linux geek-for-hire here...)

Ditto. I prefer to work from home, FWIW.


ps Deirdre Saoirse is a helluva name, as long as you pronounce Deirdre
correctly :) I wasn't aware that Saorise was a surname, and I've only
ever known one other... Her brother was Aontacht.

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