> Well, they could start by explaining why so few women are interested in IT, 
> and if they see a
> way to overcome it.
> And if there is , and it's within our reach/abilities, well what are we 
> waiting for ?

unfortunately, i think it comes back to the way we were raised as kids (in
the u.s. anyway; i can't speak for other countries).  and the way we are
raised stems from the stereotypes addressed in this thread.  little girls'
toys aren't technical.  they're not programmable or build-at-home like
toys that are marketed toward little boys.  where as most little boys grow
up with leggos, race car tracks and remote-control cars (the lucky ones
:), most girls get life-like baby dolls and other such doll-related
things.  dolls are great, don't get me wrong.  i had my share when i was
young.  but what i notice is that girls' toys are ready to play with right
out of the package.  boys' usually involve some building or problem
solving, such as model-building.  this lays the foundation for an adult
life of questioning how things are put together and how they work.

this is obvioulsy not true for everyone, especially those girls who built
models of the Enterprise when they were kids :).  but i think it explains
a bit why presence of females is a bit lacking in the technolgy field.


"Just about every computer on the market today runs Unix, except the Mac
(and nobody cares about it)." -- Bill Joy 6/21/85
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r+ x+

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