At 8:22 AM -0300 4/19/2001, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
have you compiled the drivers you got through APT? when you do
# apt-get install nvidia-kernel-src nvidia-glx-src

I didn't do that, but XFree seemed to have found a Nvidia GLX module and driver module. Just maybe not the right ones.

it'll only download the drivers and put them in proper location to be
recompiled with your kernel source.

so, once you have the packages installed, you should do:

# cd /usr/sr/$KERNEL_SOURCE
# make-kpkg modules_image
# cd ..
# dpkg -i nvidia-kernel-`uname -r`_0.9.769-1_i386.deb

Okay, I did this and got the same results. Everything is loaded up, but still get nvidia_drv.o unrecognized symbols.

(II) NVIDIA(0): Applying EDID constraints on remaining valid modes.
(EE) NVIDIA(0): No modes remaining for head 0
Symbol XAARotateMonoPattern from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o is unresolved!
Symbol XAAPatternROP from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o is unresolved!
Symbol XAACopyROP from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o is unresolved!
Symbol XAAFillSolidRects from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o is unresolved!
Symbol fbPictureInit from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o is unresolved!

Hey! I just noticed that EDID killed all the modes. I placed an

Option "IgnoreEDID" "true"

And whammo! X starts ups! I guess those Symbol errors were just red herrings.

for more details, see:

for nvidia-glx, see

as the build procedure is slightly different

D'OH!! I only checked the readmes in the nvidia*src directories.

Mario Menezes "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but

Thanks for your help!

TuxRacer is a blast...just gotta get sound to work now.
Anthony Lau

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