On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Anthony Lau wrote:

> At 8:22 AM -0300 4/19/2001, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
> >have you compiled the drivers you got through APT? when you do
> ># apt-get install nvidia-kernel-src nvidia-glx-src
> I didn't do that, but XFree seemed to have found a Nvidia GLX module 
> and driver module. Just maybe not the right ones.
> >it'll only download the drivers and put them in proper location to be
> >recompiled with your kernel source.
> >
> >so, once you have the packages installed, you should do:
> >
> ># cd /usr/sr/$KERNEL_SOURCE
> ># make-kpkg modules_image
> ># cd ..
> ># dpkg -i nvidia-kernel-`uname -r`_0.9.769-1_i386.deb

I previously installed a bunch of GL packages (mesag-dev mesag-widgets-dev
mesag3 mesag3-widgets) and then installed the stuff from nvidia's website
to replace the glx libs, all before I knew these deb packages existed.

So I installed nvidia-glx and nvidia-kernel and ran the build scripts, but
then to install them I had to remove a bunch of the other mesag3 packages
(and even some x packages).

The result is that I have these nvidia libs but no GL header files to
compile with. The mesag-dev packages (gl.h etc) seem to conflict with the

What have I missed?


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