On Sat, Apr 21, 2001 at 09:58:02AM -0500, Richard Cobbe wrote:

> <snip>
> Ok, then how about this:
> Some time ago, before the official Debian kernel-image-2.2.19 was
> available, I downloaded the 2.2.19 source from kernel.org and built my own
> kernel-image package the Debian way.  Everything's been fine.

in that case there is no need to install the debian 2.2.19. i should
have said if you stay with debian kernels rather then build your own
then you should install the debian 2.2.19.  

> What will happen if I do an `apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.19'?  Will it
> overwrite my current (running!) 2.2.19 kernel install?  Do I need to

yes, so don't do it ;-)

> uninstall my 2.2.19 custom build and go back to my 2.2.18 custom build
> before I upgrade?  Or do I just need to reboot under the old kernel, then
> do the upgrade?

you don't need to upgrade.  mainline 2.2.19 is fine and has all the
security updates.  

in general debian does not patch thier kernels.  and even when they do
the changes are small, usually just applying some bugfix patch thats
already out there, just not merged with the tree they are using.  or
more often archetecture specific patches that are not merged

Ethan Benson

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