On Sat, Apr 21, 2001 at 09:43:42AM -0400, Walt Mankowski wrote:
> So then what's the recommended way for those of us with laptops
> running potato to upgrade to 2.2.19?  The 2.2.18 pcmcia modules seem
> to be in the same state.

looks to me your options are:

1) install 2.2.19pre17 instead (if it still exists)
2) get the pcmcia-source package and build the modules yourself
   against 2.2.19
3) compile your own ftp.kernel.org 2.2.19 with pcmcia modules (this is
   probably same as option 2)
4) wait for the pcmcia modules package to get built, perhaps for
   several monthes. 

i think option 2 is your best bet.  you will have to read the docs on
that yourself though, i don't know anything about the pcmcia module

Ethan Benson

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