On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 10:15:40PM -0400, Mark Hurley wrote:
> Anyone know of a method to easily solve this ...
> I *sometimes* list the files before deleting them:
>       ls A*.pdf
> Ensuring I have only listed the ones I wish to delete, I then enter:
>       rm A*.pdf
> Great, but anyone know of an easier why than the following?
> 1) Type the second command followed by the selected mask?
> 2) Go back one in bash "history", [home] to beginning of line replace
> "ls" with "rm".

I would either do
$ ^ls^rm
$ rm !!:$
$ rm <alt-.>

Pressing <alt-.> repeatedly cycles through the last word in each
command in your history.


In case of atomic attack, the federal ruling against prayer in schools
will be temporarily canceled.

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