On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 06:40:01PM -0600, John Galt wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Mark Hurley wrote:
> >I *sometimes* list the files before deleting them:
> >
> >     ls A*.pdf
> >
> >Ensuring I have only listed the ones I wish to delete, I then enter:
> >
> >     rm A*.pdf
> >
> >Great, but anyone know of an easier why than the following?
> >
> >1) Type the second command followed by the selected mask?
> >2) Go back one in bash "history", [home] to beginning of line replace
> >"ls" with "rm".
> Take a look at the manpage for bash for a bit more explanation, the tcsh
> manpage for a better one (IMHO).  Basically, if you know the number of the
> line in the history buffer, you can use !<number> to get to it.  !
> notation can get pretty deep really quickly.  There's !-<number> (go back
> in the history number entries), !<pattern> (find the last command in the
> history buffer matching command).

small typo

        !! -> repeat previous (most-recent) command
        !19 -> repeat command 19
        !-4 -> repeat 4th-ago command (back up 4 from current, in history)
        !?pattern? -> repeat most recent command containing pattern

you can also suffix any of these with


meaning print only, don't actually execute the command. so it'll
display what the command WOULD be, if you're nervious about just
going ahead on faith. :)


also, to get just one argument from any command, try:

        !$ -> last argument, previous command
        !-3:1 -> first argument, three commands ago
        !?grep?:* -> all arguments, from the most recent command containing 
        !:0 -> argument zero of the previous command ( == command itself)

so see if you can determine what this does:

        which update-alternatives
        ls -lF `!!`
        wc !$

How do you determine which network services are open (active)?
Try "nmap localhost" or "nmap <your-network-ip-address>". If you
don't have "nmap" try "apt-get install nmap". NOTE: this will
scan a host for open ports -- it's poor manners to scan anybody
without their knowledge or consent. (Some folks have made it
illegal, I think, so watch out!)

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