On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 06:05:07PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a .procmailrc and am filtering, but now I don't want to have to
> delete my messages when they get old in certain mbox files.
> Can I run procmail with another conf file and have it send messages with a
> "delivered" date older than N days?  Is procmail even the right tool, I'm
> not so sure...

I don't know of an appropriate program for that, but I don't
think that procmail is it. Procmail is really only used to
filter incoming mail.

John Patton                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Get my GnuPG public key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"The mind, once stretched by an empowering idea, can never  
fully shrink to its original dimensions." - Unknown         

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